Sunday 17 March 2024
Literary Evening at the Ukrainian Hub
On 17 March, we held a community event at the Hub to celebrate one of the most famous Ukrainians - the poet, Taras Shevchenko (not to be confused with the legendary footballer Andriy Shevchenko!). All of us who went to school in Ukraine learned his verses very young - think Ukrainian Rabbie Burns.
Born on March 9, 1814, Taras Shevchenko is known as an outstanding poet, a classic of Ukrainian literature, a thinker, and an artist. In 2024, the entire world will celebrate the 210th anniversary of his birth. The celebration in Ukrainian Hub Aberdeen featured musical concerts, performances, and poetry readings by Ukrainian children, the friend of the hub - local poet Albert Thomson, along with a performance by the musical group U-Band.
Thank you to everyone involved!